By thomascrampton ⋅ October 4, 2009 ⋅ Post a comment
Taken from a study released earlier this year by TNS, this slide shows how Asians have a great deal of trust in recommendations given by their friends and family. (Interestingly, some people do not trust their friends and family).
The next level of trust goes to expert product review websites when making a purchase decision, followed by reviews in traditional media. The next level of trust goes back to reviews on websites. This means that the level of trust for Social Media is on a par with that of traditional media when it comes to purchase decisions.
When you look at the level of trust accorded advertisements, consumers have a lower level of trust and higher level of distrust.
The survey included 500 people per market from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand. They were all aged 15–39, male and female who have seen advertisements using digital media before.