Jan 6, 2010

Coca-Cola’s New Social Media Policy

Written by Marc Metekohy on January 5th, 2010 

We recently covered Pepsi and their decision to invest $ 20 million dollar in a  social programme instead of Super Bowl advertising. Now we want to share with you Coca-Cola’s new Social Media Policy. First an interview with Adam Brown, Head of Social Media @ Coca-Cola.
Click here to view the embedded video.
Quite interesting to know: It’s only 3 pages. A social media policy should be a addition to existing company policy–you don’t need to start from scratch.

As Coca-Cola introduce their Social Media Policy:
Every day, people discuss, debate and embrace The Coca‐Cola Company and their brands in thousands of online conversations. Coca-Cola recognizes the vital importance of participating in these online conversations and are committed to ensuring that they participate in online social media the right way. These Online Social Media Principles have been developed to help empower the Coca-Cola associates to participate in this new frontier of marketing and communications, represent our Company, and share the optimistic and positive spirits of our brands.
Interesting to see are the 10 “Principles for Online Spokespeople” Coca-Cola has created:
  1. Be Certified in the Social Media Certification Program.
  2. Follow our Code of Business Conduct and all other Company policies.
  3. Be mindful that you are representing the Company.
  4. Fully disclose your affiliation with the Company.
  5. Keep records.
  6. When in doubt, do not post.
  7. Give credit where credit is due and don’t violate others’ rights.
  8. Be responsible to your work.
  9. Remember that your local posts can have global significance.
  10. Know that the Internet is permanent.
All in all Adam Brown has set a nice standard within one of the most loved companies in the world
Download the full policy here: Coca-Cola Online Social Media Principles