Jan 19, 2013

How to post facebook by industry

According the analysts of LinchpinSEO about Facebook post and segmented by industry, they found many things interesting. You can improve your social media marketing campaign by post right time.

  1. Advertising and consulting: Weekends
    They have a big opportunity to leverage the weekend to receive high interaction rates. Posts on Saturdays and Sundays receive 69% higher interaction but only 11% posts are published on the weekends.
  2. Automotive:Weekends
    Weekend posts receive interaction rate 15% higher than weekdays. Most automotive are not taking advantage of the opportunity, as only 14% of brand posts are published at this time.
  3. Clothing and fashion: Thursday
    In the clothing and fashion industry, post interaction increase as the week progresses, reaching its peak on Thursdays, when interaction rates are 13% above average. Additionally, Saturday also show above-average interaction.  
  4. Consumer packaged good: weekends and Wednesdays
    Through only 15% of brand post are published on weekends, interaction rate are highest on these days. Wednesdays also receive-average interaction, but CPG pages should avoid Thursday as interaction is 9% lower on this day. 
  5.  Entertainment: Weekends
    Not surprisingly, entertainment pages receive higher interaction on the weekends. In fact, interaction is 20% higher on the weekdays, with Saturday receiving interaction rate 17% higher than average. 
  6. Finance: Close on Sundays
    Just because banks typically aren't open on Sundays does not mean finance bands should ignore fans on this day. While only 4% of financial brand sent on Sundays, interaction  rates are 29% higher on these days.
  7. Food and beverage: Weekends
    Through interaction rates are 19% higher than the weekdays, only 18% of post occur on the weekends. Manny facebook user may have more time to enjoy food and beverage or dine-out on the weekends, so interaction is higher as a result of it. Brand are missing a key opportunity for interaction .
  8. General retail: Monday and Sunday
    Mondays experience the highest interaction rate in the general retail industry, which are 19% above average. Posts are spread evidently throughout the workweek in the industry, so these Pages should post more on Mondays.
  9. Health and beauty
    Sunday and and Monday see the highest interaction rates in the health and beauty industry at 11% and 12% above average, respectively. Tuesdays, however seem to suffer with interaction rate far lower than average, and yet Tuesday posts make 17% of all posts during the week.
  10. Non profits: Weekends
    The nonprofit industry is another industry that has a lot of opportunity to post on weekends. Though interaction is significantly higher on Saturdays and Sundays than the rest of the week (to the tune of 14% higher interaction ), the weekends are the least utilized days of the week when it come to posting.
  11. Publishing: Sunday
    Sundays provide a greater opportunity for Facebook fans catch up on the news of the week, and as a result, interaction rate are 5% higher average on these days. Mondays, see interaction rates 7% below average, so it's best to let people get settled into the workweek before posting Facebook content.
  12. Sports: Monday & Tuesday
    The biggest sporting events are often held on weekends, so it's no surprise that Saturdays and Sundays see the highest interaction rate 11% higher than average. In the middle of the weekends, however fans don't interaction with Pages as often.
  13. Technology: Monday
    Technology is are rate industry in which pages do not see high interaction rate on weekends. Mondays, in fact are the best days to post, as interaction rates are 30% higher than average.
  14. Telecommunication: Friday, Sunday, Monday
    In the telecommunications industry, Fridays, Sundays and Mondays receive the highest interaction. Yest, 16% of all posts in the industry are published on Tuesdays, when interaction is down 8% compared to their average.
  15. Travel and Leisure: Saturday, Sunday
    As the weekends approaches with opportunities for fun activities, interaction rates start climbing for travel and leisure pages. Interaction rate start climbing on Thursday and peak on Sundays, when interaction is 19% higher than average. People interaction more with these brands when they're having fun and taking or planning their own trips.
Facebook best days to post inforgraphic

facebook post infographic