Dec 15, 2009

DeoGeoTech Graph: The big picture for online marketing research


Follow the Social media ecosystem, I'm expanding my model. As a position of marketer, marketing research is one of the most important task before they make decision.

The first application of social media ecosystem model is DeoGeoTech Graph. I combined three types of segmentation there are demographic, geographic and technographic. That is macro factors, others segmentation will have later. By graph, marketers can estimate the size of each market segmentation.

This's my example


Zing me is the new social network on Vietnam, they their segmentation is the area that I highlighted.

  • Demographic: < 24 year old. (In future, year old of users will increase? What will happen? )
  • Geographic: Vietnam nation (focused on big cities)
  • Technographic: I'm waiting Vietnamese Technographic Report. However, this area has a lot of creators, critics, and collector. Actually, in marketing, creators and critics have highest value. 

 Now, I have some question for you

  • What's the area of your competitor? 
  • What's your area?
  • Why do you choose this?
  • Does your area enough?
  • Can you access this area (creators, critics or only joiners)?
  • How can you do it?

PS. Thank for Walter Adamson, he commented on my social media model:

"You might consider extending your presentation with a few slides that go beyond social media as a marketing channel as it has a much more profound effect on other aspects of brand and buying behavior and customer relationships - marketing is just one island in your ’lake’. Walter @g2m "
Generally, my social media ecosystem like a principles of marketing book. I will expand more and more.