Dec 9, 2009

Google: Online Marketing Challenge

Online Marketing Challenge

The Challenge for 2010 is now open!

The 2009 Google Online Marketing Challenge saw 2,187 student teams from 57 countries around the world taking part in a global online marketing competition. Find out who they wereor see a map of all the 2,187 teams that competed last year.
Developed by professors in collaboration with Google, the Challenge is a great opportunity for students to gain practical, real world online marketing experience. Students also get the excitement of competing on a global level, with the overall winners and their professor/lecturer receiving a trip to the Googleplex in Mountain View. In addition, regional winners and their professor will receive a trip to their local Google office. Register now.

How does it work?

Student teams receive US$200 of free online advertising with Google AdWords and then work with local businesses to devise effective online marketing campaigns. Teams outline a strategy, run a campaign, assess their results and provide the business with recommendations to further develop their online marketing. Teams submit their reports and are judged by a panel of independent academics from all over the world.

Who can enter?

The Challenge is open to any higher education institution from anywhere in the world. You can register now.