Dec 20, 2009

Creating Buzzworthy Topics

Andy Sernovitzentrepreneur and author, recently put on a Word of Mouth Conference in Chicago with lots of great sessions and case studies. Summaries of the presentations can be found here.
My talk was on Creating Buzzworthy Topics. The format for this session was challenging because we had only 20-minutes to share business-ready practical word of mouth marketing advice. Some of the practical advice I shared included:
(1) Buzz doesn't create evangelists. Evangelists create buzz.
(2) Three ways businesses can spark long-lasting word of mouth.
(3) A company's personality is its best form of advertising.
(4) Using a basic Improv Comedy rule can infuse "personality" into a business.
You can read the summary of my talk or ... you can watch it in fullYour call.

NOTE: Previously posted on the ALL THINGS WOM blog.