Jan 31, 2010

The evolution of Marketing Communication

Created by Hai Le

This is my 3|C model.
Today, marketing 2.0 likes a circle in which it have three components (Corporation, Channels, and Customer).
First, It's not like a separate marketing campaigns. Marketing 2.0 is the continuous processing where marketer must keep track everything on real-time. The marketers have role as a stock brokers. They spent a lot of time for monitor the marketing and they try to understand and forecast the market.
Second, audiences will not passive anymore. Audiences can choose a contents that they need and want. They also is the decision maker that content's good or bad. For example, social bookmarking is the where user evaluation the contents. Hence, marketers can't use push strategy anymore. 
Third, two-way communication is the serious requirement. 
Fourth, the relationship between corporation and customer will be more strength. That's the effect of two-way and real-time communication.