Jan 20, 2010

The Ultimate List of Twitter Tools

Ad Networks

FeaturedUsers - “FeaturedUsers is a Twitter application ad network. If you’re a Twitter user, it’s a great way to get more followers and support your favorite Twitter apps. If you’re a Twitter app developer, it’s a simple way to start monetizing your application.”
Be A Magpie - Our customers sign up and create campaigns which consist of magpie-tweets (i.e. ads). Twitterers allow us to post magpie tweets among their tweets and for them to get paid for it.
TwtQpon - Generate coupons that can be distributed via Twitter
adCause - cause-based advertising via Twitter
TwitAd - another Twitter advertising network
What’s Your Tweet Worth - partner site to TwitAd; supposedly determines how much you could make via Twitad

Badges & Widgets

TwitterSalt – Show your latest tweets with a simple cut and paste line of code
TweetRoll - Show your how many followers you have and who they are
SayTweet - Create a Twitter widget that integrates a photo of your choice
Twitterati Badge - Create a javascript badge of your Twitter feed (as it appears to you, so it includes tweets from those you follow)
Twitter Widgets - The official site for Twitter Widgets, straight from the horse’s mouth
TwitterCard - generates a 125×125px badge to display your latest tweets
Twitter My Site - Custom follow icon generator
SigPad - generate dynamic email signatures that show your tweets (or flickr photos, etc.)
TwitSig - Creates a widget displaying your latest tweet
TwitIMG - shows your latest tweet
Twitter Sticker - another Twitter widget creator
Twitter Ribbon - Create a corner ribbon ad for your twitter page
TweetSnap - another widget creator
Real-Time Chatterbox - a really nice looking, customizable, keyword searchable widget
MyTweetElite - I have no idea what it does because they require you to tweet a BS message to even see the app.

Diet & Exercise

TweetWhatYouEat - Food Diary & calorie tracker
FoodFeed - Food Diary - just for fun


Unique and Miscellaneous:
PoopTag - Um…yeah. Just go check it out. (Totally SFW.)
Twenglish - Translate your normal, gramatically correct english into “Twitter speak”
TwtCard - send a greeting card (no login required)
TwtVite - event management service via Twitter
Tweeght - Post and vote on quotes via Twitter
Twypos - collects tweets containing Typos
Twash - A vote-able database of awesome Tweets
Unicode Symbol Map - Icons that can be cut and pasted into your tweets
GamerDNA - Share your gaming habits with your followers
Twootball - Football related tweets
innterTwitter - zen moments, brought to you by via Twitter
TweetWants - Wants that people have tweeted
TweetFAILS - A collection of tweets featuring “FAIL”
Swotter - A book posted to Twitter, 1 line a day
Thatswh.at - shows tweets that were subsequently replied to with the statement “That’s what she said”
MyTweet16 - see any Twitter user’s first 16 tweets
Tweetvalue - supposedly determines the value (in $) of your Twitter account
Twitmatic - view a real-time stream of the videos that are being shared on Twitter
TweetBeats - Some sort of heartbeat-like visualization of tweets - no explanation as to how it works though
Twistori - Gorgeous Twitter visualizer for specific words: love, hate, think, believe, feel, & wish
EveryTweet - random tweets displayed
e-Penis - how big is yours?
Hot-or-not meets Twitter:
TwittyPop - Lists the hottest Tweeps
Twit or Fit - “Hot or Not” for Twitter
TwtPets - “Hot or Not” for pets of Tweeps.
Whose Tweet? - Quizzes you on which of your friends tweeted a phrase
Twrivia - tweets a daily trivia item
ouTwit Me - some sort of quiz game…Can anyone explain?
The Twitter Tag Project - Like Facebook pokes, but for Twitter
LOLwrus - tweets + flickr photos = roll your own LOLcatz
Twitchance - an actual, Twitter-based lottery (not sure of the legalities, but…)
Dream-related tools:
DreamTweet - Anonymously post your dreams to Twitter
TweetDreams - Not so anonymously shows a feed of tweets mentioning dreams
Visual Interfaces for Twitter (of the entertaining ilk):
Twoogie M.D. - Doogie-style interface for Twitter
Twitter Magnets - Mashup of Twitter and fridge magnets


Unique and Miscellaneous:
TweetChat - allows you to focus on a specific hashtag group by limiting your stream view to just that topic
SXSW 2009 Twitter Visualizer - created by Pepsi? Very cool though…
Helveti-Tweet - collects all tweets regarding Helvetica
Group Tweeting Tools:
ConnectTweet - Collect related tweets into a single account - allows multiple people to tweet to one account
Social: Twitter for Events & Groups - create an event username and all guests can tweet to that account from their own username
GroupTweet - Create a Twittername for your group and then everyone who is following & followed can message to the group via DM
TweetParty - group your followers and send DM’s to groups
Group Directories (brands, interests, celebs, etc.):
Twitter Groups - directory of Twitter groups
Top Follow Friday - Twitter directory for #FollowFriday reccomendations
Follow Friday Statistics - Another #FollowFriday directory
ThinkClimbing - Directory of tweeting climbers
Tracking Twitter - list of brands, media tweeps, celebs, & TV tweep on Twitter
Social Brand Index - list of brands on Twitter
TwitterPacks - find new people in these groups by topic, location, etc.
Pornstar Tweet - A Twitter stream specific to tweeting pornstars
Celebrity Tweet - A Twitter stream specific to tweeting celebs
WeFollow - new directory of tweeps by Kevin Rose; put yourself into the system then find others with similar interests
Qapture - shows feeds for the “top” people in design, strategy, and advertising categories
ExecTweets - directory of the top business Twitterers by category
Twitter Customer Service - The ultimate list of Stores on Twitter (great list!)
Actors, Directors, Screenwriters on Twitter
Topic-based tweet grouping tools:
TweetWorks - View tweets by topic group or threaded discussion view
Tweetizen - Collects Tweets by topic

Follower Management

Unique and Miscellaneous:
Tweeter Tags - Tag your profile with relevant interests/keywords and search for others to follow via tags
Twitter2FF - syncs your Twitter and FriendFeed contacts
MrTweet - Finds relevant people for you to follow and shows who follows you that you don’t follow in return
New Follow Notify - Auto-DM’s your new follows a questionaire (probably not a good idea…)
Twalala - filter tweets out of your stream by keywords and phrases or mute individuals who get a bit too chatty
Follow Cost - “How annoying will it be to follow _____ on Twitter?”
Mr. Milestone - notifies you every 100 followers reached (100, 200, etc.)
Twitnest - Interesting visualization of your followers and theirs
Twittersnooze - unfollow and then automatically refollow your tweeps for a present period of time
Twimailer - sends a beefed up email regarding new followers
Tweeple Twak - in private beta right now…so I don’t know exactly what it does
Top Twitter Friends - interesting visualization of your Twitter network
Twibes - like #followfriday for any day of the week; recommend 10 friends that your network should follow
TwerpScan - analyzes your followers based on some cool algorithm thingy
Bulk management tools:
My Cleaner - Helps clean out people you follow who’ve been inactive for quite a while
Twitter Karma - bulk management of followers and those you follow
UnTweeps - bulk management of tweeps who haven’t posted in 30, 60, or 90 days
Tweepler - Follow/Ignore new followers
TweetSum - Vet recent followers via a drag & drop system
Twitoria - Twitoria finds your friends that haven’t tweeted in a long time so you can give them the boot!
Mutuality - bulk unfollow tool for people not following you back
FlashTweet - another bulk management tool
Tools to show which tweets lost/gained followers:
Tweet-Rank - shows which tweets you gained or lost followers on (didn’t work for me, but it’s in German which I don’t read, so it may have been user error)
TweetEffect - shows which tweets you gained or lost followers on (Seems suspect IMO)
Qwitter - Sends an email letting you know when someone quits following you, and after what tweet (many, including myself, have had trouble with Qwitter lately…)
TwitterLess - Lets you know when someone stops following you; also graphs your follower trends over time; still waiting for this one to kick in for me…
Find new followers based on who your friends follow:
Who Should I Follow?
Find new followers based on a keyword search:
TweetBurn - find people to follow based on the topic they’re talking about
Twollow - auto-follow tweeps who’s tweets include a keyword of your choice
Twollo - not to be confused with the above, but it does the same thing…
TweetPenguin - follower recommendation based on interests - creates a “lineage chain”
Who’s following who tools:
DoesFollow - very simply: “Does ____ follow ____?”
Friend or Follow - Who are you following that’s not following you back? Who’s following you that you’re not following back? Find out!
TweepDiff - compares the followers of two tweeps
Who Follows Whom? - A grammatically correct checker for up to 5 Tweeps at a time
TwtrFrnd - Find what followers two tweeps have in common
Tools for gaining new followers (of questionable value, IMO):
Hummingbird - auto-follow tool that costs $200
TweeterGetter - pyramid scheme for getting Twitter followers
I Follow Back - pyramid-scheme-ish system for gaining followers (you sign up and agree to follow at least 90% of those who follow you)
TweepMe - Another “I follow you, you follow me” scheme

Ranking Systems

ReTweet Rankings:
ReTweetRank - a system for ranking based on retweets
ReTweetist - see your ReTweet rank
ReTweetability Index - another ReTweet ranking system
Rank your Friends:
FavTwits - Find out who you’ve been talking to on Twitter
TwitTangle - customizes your timeline based on your ranking and tags of those you follow
Tweeterate - Rank/rate tweets from your tweeps
Evaluation Tools:
TweetActive - find out how active you and your friends are on Twitter
Twitter Score - Evaluates your Twitter Popularity
Tweetwasters - estimates the amount of time you’ve spent on Twitter and ranks you against other tweeps
Twitter Grader - one of the better ranking systems out there; also offers people you should follow
PlusPlusBot - aka TwitterKarma; difficult to understand, but apparently it works
Happy Tweets - ranks the happyness quotient of tweeps’ tweets
Twitterholic - yet another
Favorited Tweet Tools:
fav.tweets - all of any Twitter user’s favorited tweets
Twitfave - see which of your tweets have been faved and by whom

Location-based Services

Map Tools:
TweetMapper - Map your Tweets
GeoTwitter - A simplistic Twitter + Google Maps mashup
Atlas - Twitter and MS Virtual Earth mashup
TwitterVision - another Twitter/map mashup; nice looking
TwitterMap - yet another
Mmmeeja - plot your followers on a map
Find Tweets/Tweeps by Location Tools:
Chirp City - breaks down tweets by geographic areas
Twellowhood - find people to follow by geography
TwitterSPY - Tweets by location
Twuzzer - Find tweets from your neck of the woods
SadakMap + Twitter - another location-based Tweet app
Weather Tools:
Twitter Weather - Weather forecasts via Twitter

Personal Finance

TweetWhatYouSpend - finance management tool for Twitter (if you want to put all your expenditures online…
Xpen$er - tracks your spending via any mobile input mechanism (including Twitter)
TipJoy - Send $ to tweeps via Twitter
StockTwits - sharing stock/finance info via Twitter

Productivity & Sharing

Unique & Miscellaneous:
Twe2 - allows receipt of Tweets via SMS in Europe (among others)
Postica - Create and send sticky notes via Twitter
Twiggit - lets your Twitter followers know what articles you’ve Dugg (Digged?)
TrackThis - Package tracking via Twitter
TweetReplies - your @replies delivered to your email
Tweet O’Clock - Find the best time to tweet someone
Fuel Frog - track your gas mileage and fuel consumption
CheapTweets - deals, coupons, bargains, and sales via Twitter
TwTip - compiles tips shared on Twitter
TikiTwit - Syncs Twitter with your iChat status
Topify - Email service that allows replies, DM’s, and follows via email
Twollars - Twitter-based economy. Give twollars for things you dig, get twollars for things you say. Donate twollars to charities who will really get money for them
TwitterJobSearch - searches twitter for job listings based on your search terms
Tweleted - recover deleted Twitter messages
BakerTweet - Physical computing meets Twitter in the kitchen; alert system for bakeries from the folks at POKE
Twitter-based classifieds:
iList Micro
TwtMarket - post what you need or what you’ve got - Craigslist meets Twitter
Crowd-sourcing tools:
twAnswers - crowd-sourced answers to questions from the crowd
TwitHelp - crowd-sourced help from the community
Twitter Pigeon - Ask a question via Twitter and compile the answers into a single page
QuoteURL - group tweets from different people into a single page and share that page via permalink
TwttrStrm - Another ask a question, compile the answers app
Twitrans - Translate statements to another language with the help of a real person!
Link-related Tools:
Please ReTweet - adds a small retweet link to your tweets
TweetBurner - clickthrough tracking for your Twitter URL’s
TweetMyLink - Share and find links via Twitter
LinkBun.ch - Like TinyURL, but for multiple URL’s at once
TwittURL’s - Tracks the most tweeted links
TweeTube - Easy sharing of Youtube vids via Twitter
TweetMeme - Awesome, Digg-like service for Twitter
MicroPlaza - really nice link listing for links shared by all your friends
To-Do List Tools:
Twit2Do - Manage a to-do list via Twitter
TwTask - another Twitter to-do list app
RetweetMe - schedule reminders to hit you via Twitter
Poll Creation Tools:
TwtPoll - Send polls via Twitter
StrawPoll - Twitter polling
PollDaddy - another polling service
File-Sharing Tools:
Acamin - file sharing via Twitter (files up to 15MB)
TweetCube - file sharing via Twitter
FileSocial - file sharing via Twitter
Twitter Background Tools:
Twitter Gallery - Easy to install Twitter backgrounds
TwitBacks - free Twitter backgrounds
Wishlist Tools:
Twishlistter - create and share a wishlist via Twitter
TwtWlst - Create a gift registry/wishlist via Twitter
Tweetmas - holiday wishlist powered by Twitter
Twitter “Walls”:
Twitwall - blog-like companion to your Twitter account
MessageDance - Like a portable Facebook Wall
Goal-related Tools:
21Tweets - Helps you form a new habit over the course of 21 days
TrackDailyGoals - Goal management via Twitter
Comment Tools:
Twonvo - Threaded view of your Twitter conversations
Twickie - archive comment strings from Twitter
Tweader - allows nested views of Twitter convos

Posting Tools

Unique & Miscellaneous Tools:
Twoxit - put a form on your site for anyone to tweet from
Twickly - lets you create a set of pre-recorded tweets for quick posting
PingVine - posts an Atom or RSS feed to your Twitter stream
SecretTweet - Anonymous tweeting; like PostSecret on Twitter
Post Like A Pirate - name pretty much says it all
Twappi - Finds someone who needs cheering up for you to tweet at
TwitterLights - highlight interesting bits from the web and tweet them from there
PleaseRT Me - adds an auto-RT link to the end of your posts
Twuulu - posts what you’re watching on Hulu for your Tweeps to see
Long-form Tweet Tools:
Twerbose - allows users to post long tweets and then links to them in twitter
Twonvert - Converts long-form tweets into 140 characters
140it - Condense long tweets down to 140 characters
Twitzer - plugin/hack that allows for longform Tweets
Scheduled Post Tools:
TweetLater - allows follower vetting for multiple accounts as well as scheduling auto-tweets and auto-DM’s
Twittertise - Allows advanced scheduling of Tweets. Also measures click-through rate of included URL’s!
FutureTweets - schedule tweets to occur in the future (including recurring tweets)
Web-based Dashboards:
Followize - web-based app for posting and reading tweets
HootSuite - manage multiple Twitter accounts from one dashboard
Tweet3 - manage multiple Twitter accounts
TweetVisor - web-based Twitter dashboard
TwitExplorer - web-based Twitter dashboard
EasyTweets - another Twitter dashboard
Twiddict - posting system that will hold tweets if Twitter is down and post when it comes back up
TweeTree - posting dashboard that allows nested view of conversations
NutshellMail - web-based dashboard that provides access to Twitter and other networks
Accessible Twitter - Easy to use dashboard - only allows mgt. of one account at a time
Blog Tools:
Twittinesis - pushes your tweets to your blog
Tweetly - auto-posts Twitter updates when you post a new Wordpress entry
LoudTwitter - posts your daily tweets to your blog
TweetRemote - lets you decide what tweets get reposted to your blog and insures that they look good when that happens.
Tweet via email Tools:
TwitterMail - Send tweets via email
EmailTwitter - Send and receive tweets via email
Travel-related Posting Tools:
Vacatweet - Twitter auto-responder for when you’re on vacay via @reply or DM
twtTRIP - tweet your travel plans


Twt.fm - Tweet songs directly in your Twitter Stream
Song.ly - Music sharing via Twitter

Photo Tools

MobyPicture - allows sharing of photos/videos from your mobile to Twitter (and other networks)
TwitPic - Post photos to Twitter (primarily for mobile use)
SnapTweet - share flickr photos on Twitter
PicPostr - Photo sharing on Twitter from your mobile (via email)
Portwiture - Grabs flickr photos that are relevant to your latest tweet
VisualTwitter - “What are you doing?” answered in photos only
2Tweet - Tweet multiple photos and vids via email

Search Tools

Search.Twitter.com - The one, the only, the official Twitter Search
FreeSearch - Hunt people down across the web and get the results via Twitter
Green Tweets - Green Tweets uses semantic language analysis to identify tweets pertaining to green issues from the public Twitter stream.
TweetJobSearch - Find job listings on Twitter
Tweetag - browse Twitter based on a keyword search
TweepSearch - find people
Spy - up-to-the-minute search tool
TweetGrid - allows you to create a grid view of search returns
Monitter - an embeddable search return form (the only embeddable one I’ve noticed)
Cloud.li - Really interesting search that allows you to exclude terms
Icerocket - Twitter search with links to prepopulated replies
Flaptor - simple, clean search interface
Backtweets - VERY COOL! Search a URL and get the people who have linked to it on Twitter
Keyword Notification Tools:
TweetScan - scans Tweets for keywords and emails you the results periodically
Twilert - email notification of tweets containing keywords of your choice
TweetBeep - keyword notification
Twitter2Mail - monitors search.twitter.com and sends @replies directly to you via email
Authority-based Tools:
Twithority - search Twitter by tweeps’ authority ratings
Twitority - search Twitter by tweeps’ authority ratings

Topic Trends

Top News Trends - Cross references Google Trends with Twitter for late-breaking news info
PicoBuzz - Tracks the latest trends in the public timeline
Twispot - Tracks popular topics on Twitter
Popular Tweets - shows the 10 most popular Twitter topics based on hash tags
Twopular - trends over the last hours/days/weeks/months
Twitscoop - another tag cloud tracker
Tinker - event discussion tracker
Graphic/Visual Representations of Trends:
Twist - graphic visualization of trending topics
Tweet Cloud - tag cloud visualizer of popular topics
Twitterfall - waterfall-like view of latest Twitter trends
Vlaag - another tag cloud style trend tracker
Twitter Cloud Explorer - another cloud tracker
ReTweet Related Trend-Watching Tools:
ReTwitd - tallies the most retweeted links by time period
ReTweet Radar - looks specifically at ReTweet trends


Tweetstats - great visualization of your Twitter habits
Twitter Analyzer - another stats app
Twitter Venn - compare Twitter search terms in a Venn Diagram
My Twitter Weighs a Ton - see your most popular Twitter terms
Twitalyzer - interesting stats package that’s social media oriented
Twitter Thoughts - visualization mashup for topics
TwitterCounter - graphic representation of your followers over time
Twinfluence - a quick app that measures (and explains!!) your reach, velocity, and social capital on Twitter
Twitter Charts - visualizes your tweets by day of the week and time of day
Social Collider - Really interesting visualization of your posts - not sure the value, but it’s a great infographic.

Twitter Backup Tools

Tweetake - backup your tweets
TwitterSafe - backup your tweets again

Twitter Desktop Clients

Destroy Twitter
AlertThingy - Updates Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr, Yammer, etc.
Sideline - search-specific air app from Yahoo (I never got it to work, though it looks pretty)

Mobile Clients

Primarily Windows Mobile:
Twitter Answers
GPS Twit
Primarily iPhone:
ReTweet - RT specific app for iPhone
Primarily for the G1:
Primarily for Blackberry:
For other phones:

Firefox Tools

Twitter StatusBar
Twitter Toolbar
Tweetpkr - really nice looking FF widget

Facebook Tools

(found on RotorBlog)
TweetSync - syncs your tweets with your status
Twitter App - from the folks at Twitter; your standard bread and butter app
Twitter Updater - Tweets your FB status (instead of statusing your tweets)
Selective Twitter Status - allows you to select which tweets go to FB by appending #FB
@Tweeter - two way street between FB and Twitter, update either
Twittervision - FB specific edition of the app listed above; allows location sharing
TwitterScore - some sort of ranking game
Grazr - a FB based Twitter reader that lets you explore your tweeps
Web Presence - collects all your social media stuff into FB
Fwitter - Twitter to FB status tool