Oct 18, 2010

A Chinese lesson for social media people

Although it’s the policy of Angry Editor (my pedantic English-correcting alter-ego) not to teach new vocabulary, I am making an exception on this blog. The following is a list of 50 words that I’ve needed when talking to people about social media, when attending  Ogilvy’s Chinese social media trainings, and when reading about social media on Chinese blogs and websites:
Social Media: 社会媒体 shèhuì méitǐ; 社交媒体 shèjiāo méitǐ; 社会化媒体 shèhuìhuàméitǐ; 社媒 shèméi
Blog: 博客 bókè
To blog:  写博客 xiě bókè (lit. “to write a blog” – the noun “blog” in Chinese does not double as a verb).
Blogosphere: 博客圈 bókèquān
Blogger: 博主 bózhǔ; 博客写手 bókè xiěshǒu
Social gaming: 社会游戏 shèhuì yóuxì; 社交游戏 shèjiāo yóuxì
To visit: 访问 fǎngwèn
To register / to sign up: 注册 zhùcè
To sign in: 登录 dēnglù
Online shopping: 网上购物 wǎngshàng gòuwù
Podcast: 播客 bōkè (careful with the tones!)
Microblog: 微博 wēibó
SNS (Social network site): 社区网站 shèqūwǎngzhàn,
To embed: 嵌入 qiànrù
To upload: 上传 shàngchuán
To download: 下载  xiàzài
Hitcount: 点击量 diǎnjīliàng
Photo-sharing site: 相片分享网站 xiàngpiàn fēnxiǎng wǎngzhàn
Video-sharing site: 视频分享网站 shìpín fēnxiǎng wǎngzhàn
Streaming video: 流视频 liú shìpín
Video blog: 视频博客 shìpín bókè
Viral video: 病毒视频 bìngdú shìpín
Video clip: 视频 shìpín
Forum: BBS
Social media marketing: 社会化媒体营销 shèhuìhuà méitǐ yíngxiāo
Crowd sourcing: 众包 zhòngbāo
API (Application Programming Interface): 应用编程接口 yìngyòng biānchéng jiēkǒu
Location-based service: 定位服务 dìngwèi fúwù
Augmented reality: 现实增强 xiànshí zēngqiáng
Desktop client: 桌面客户端 zhuōmiàn kèhùduān
Mobile phone client: 手机客户端 shǒujī kèhùduān
App (iPhone etc.): 应用程序 yīngyòng chéngxù
Interface: 界面 jièmiàn
Search engine: 搜索引擎 sōusuǒ yǐnqíng
Search engine optimization (SEO): 搜索引擎优化 sōusuǒ yǐnqíng yōuhuà; 搜索优化 sōusuǒ yōuhuà
Firewall: 防火墙 fánghuǒqiáng
VPN (Virtual private network): 虚拟个人网络 xūnǐ gèrén wǎngluò
Proxy server: 代理服务器 dàilǐ fúwùqì
Guest post: 来宾/客座博客文章 láibīn/kèzuò bókè wénzhāng
Paywall: 收费墙 shōufèi qiáng
Real-name: 实名 shímíng
RSS: 订阅 dìngyuè
RSS reader: RSS阅读器
Browser: 浏览器 liúlǎnqì
Viral marketing: 病毒式营销 bìngdúshì yíngxiāo
Censorship: 审查 shěnchá
Chatroom: 聊天室 liáotiānshì
New media: 新媒体 xīnméitǐ
Social/new media douchebagI’m not aware of an equivalent Chinese word for this, or even if it is a concept talked about in Chinese. So far, I have had two suggestions: “社媒SB” [THX @kaiserkuo] and “煤渣 (lit. coal residue)” [THX @alfieinwander]…
There are certain to be alternative expressions for some of these words and I’m sure I will have missed some important social media vocabulary out. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.